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Promo Talk: Jessica Ibsen, Cajun Country Promotional Products

The executive director gets candid in this Q&A.

Jessica Ibsen

• Executive director of Cajun Country Promotional Products in Gonzales, LA
• 15 years of industry experience
• Started her own promo firm during the COVID-19 pandemic

What I Wish I Knew When I Started:

I wish I’d known how big online company stores were going to be. I would’ve pushed to build an online search database or store like ESP Websites for our company from the beginning and would’ve sold many more e-store programs to clients. When I was first in promo, paper catalogs and faxing orders were still standard for finding and ordering products.

What Frustrates Me the Most:

When I have a great client who’s been with me for months or years, and yet, despite the trust we’ve established, they still send a snapshot of pricing they found from one of the large online direct-to-consumer promo companies and ask if I can match it. I’m a consultant and branding expert with years of experience. Those qualities are worth the minute margin more they’re paying for superior white-glove service.

I’ll Never Do That Again:

I’m sure every new distributor has had that emailed request for 500 USB drives or 500 white T-shirts. Sure, it’s a common scam request now, but when I started it wasn’t as prevalent. I’m never wasting any time on requests like that again, no matter how legitimate they may seem.

Jessica Ibsen Mardi Gras

Ibsen celebrating Mardi Gras.

If I Were Queen of the Industry:

Who said I wasn’t already? All kidding aside, I’d try to find a way to unify suppliers and distributors to keep end-users from merely price shopping and pitting us against each other. There’s plenty of business out there and customers driving down margins by price shopping removes the value of what a promotional consultant adds to the process.

What I Wish I Could Say to a Client:

I’d love to say no when they ask me last minute if I can get them something in time for their event (which they “totally forgot about” until 48 hours before the big day), but I have a bad habit of saying yes and making the impossible happen. I’d also love to tell them that promo marketing will be back to normal soon, but the reality is that the pandemic has likely changed things for the foreseeable future. I’ve educated many clients on virtual conferences, drop-ship programs and other means of reaching their target audience without seeing them in person. It changes their marketing plans and their need for my services, but I make myself invaluable by providing advice, education and a sympathetic ear.

Best Advice I Received:

“It’ll be there tomorrow.” I’ve always been somewhat OCD about getting my workload done in a day and it’s led to many late nights. My first boss in the industry saw my frazzled nerves and put it into perspective. You can’t always get everything done right away, and sometimes when you’re stressed and pulled in too many directions, you need to step back, rest and renew your energy. By putting things down and learning I can pick up where I left off later, I’ve had less stress and anxiety and become more efficient at juggling multiple projects at once.

Worst Advice:

You can build a book of business by going door to door and just cold-calling businesses in the area. While that might work in a B2C industry, it’s very difficult to get in front of a decision-maker by going door to door.

Jessica Ibsen in a kayak

When she’s not on land, you’ll find Ibsen in the kayak.

What Suppliers Can Do Better:

When I have a client requesting something, they don’t want to wait four days to hear back. If suppliers can’t get back to me within 24 hours or fewer with options, I’d love to be told upfront so I can plan accordingly.

I Attribute Most of My Success to:

Treating each client like I’m an extension of their team. I take personal interest in their brand’s mission and in the people I work with. I ask about their family, talk with them over lunch and even go to events like 5K races with them.

Jessica Ibsen marathon

Ibsen runs several 5Ks and marathons each year.

I’m Always Looking to Improve at:

Doing my job! This industry is always changing, and I never stop looking for how I can get better at what I do. Whether it’s taking classes on graphic design, learning new software for e-commerce or attending educational classes at industry shows or online, I’m always adding to my expertise.

My Never-Fail Product Recommendation:

The double-walled, copper-lined, vacuum-sealed travel mug.