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Exclusive Canada Ad Impression Data on Bags, Calendars & Desk Accessories

In this first in a series of infographics, we showcase ASI Research’s Ad Impressions findings on the popularity of different product categories among Canadians and their reactions to them.

Good news for Canadian end-buyers of promo products looking for employee items: Bags, calendars and desk accessories with logos and messages on them are impactful when it comes to impressions and doing business with advertisers. That’s according to new Ad Impressions findings from ASI Research.

As employers continue to bring workers back to the office and open the door to new hires (including remote ones), these categories of useful, appreciated products are suitable for staff thank-you gifts and welcome kits.

Take a look at the infographic here, the first in a series highlighting Canadian Ad Impressions data.


Click here for a PDF of the above infographic.

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