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Dispatches From the Work-From-Home Front, Week 2

More insights on working remotely from the ASI team.

Most ASI employees have been working from home now for two weeks, as part of nationwide efforts to stem the tide of new coronavirus cases. The transition hasn’t always been seamless, but thanks to technology, strong leadership and a cohesive team, we’ve been able to get the job done as well as if we are all in the office.

This week, we’re sharing some of the funniest things that have happened during this experience, as well as something new we’ve each learned during this stay-at-home order. (Be sure to catch up on last week’s dispatch from our intrepid staff.)

Zoom conference

A Zoom meeting with 20 family members is an exercise in chaos.

Sara Lavenduski, Senior Editor, Advantages

Funniest thing that’s happened: About 20 extended family members that I usually see every week jumped on a Zoom call last night just to say hi. It was basically 50 minutes of chaos as people talked over each other and had 15 different simultaneous conversations, exactly like our Sunday night dinners at Nonnie’s house. She was there, too!

What I’ve learned: As much as I’m super introverted and mastered the art of social distancing a long time ago, it’s always been voluntary. Now that I have no choice, I miss people! I’ve even noticed the lack of casual run-ins with friends when I’m out, because I don’t linger anywhere too long. We’re not meant to be islands. I’ll also never take a quick run to the store – or a full paper products aisle – for granted again.

Trish wearing masks

While at home, Tricia Walter is taking the whole “dress for the job you want” directive a tad too seriously.

Tricia Walter, Manager of Corporate Events

Funniest thing that’s happened: Me now feeling the need to dress up in goofy masks. It helps make the day funnier. Of course, if it’s just me laughing at me – that’s probably not a good sign.

What I’ve learned: It’s possible to work from home and still have things go pretty smoothly; I don’t like it, but it has allowed us to continue (almost) business as usual. I’ve also learned I miss being in the office and talking with my work family – either stopping by someone’s desk or stopping in the hallway to chat.

Hillary with her dog

Hillary Glen consults with her assistant, Snickers.

Hilary Glen, Art Director

Funniest thing that’s happened: Today, I’m working downstairs at the kitchen table while Jenna (my 12 year-old stepdaughter) is practicing her trombone upstairs in the spare bedroom. After a few minutes, she comes down and asks me what a wasp looks like. I freaked out and ran upstairs to find a wasp buzzing about above her window blinds! I coaxed it out and swatted repeatedly at it (with her rolled up music book) from atop a wobbly office chair. I killed it, flushed it and secretly hoped that there weren’t more lingering.

What I’ve learned: The neighbors on both sides of me really like using loud lawn equipment EVERY DAY! Weed-whackers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, anything and everything for what seems like all hours!

Joe Haley shooting the Joe Show

Joe Haley records “The Joe Show” in his new studio.

Joe Haley, Product Editor and Education Director

Funniest thing that’s happened: During lunch break yesterday, I hopped onto Facebook and somehow changed the language to Portuguese. Not kidding. I have yet to be able to change it back, and now I have a combination of English and Portuguese.

What I’ve learned: I miss seeing people, and the squirrels are taunting me from the dining room window.

John Corrigan, Senior Writer

Funniest thing that’s happened? Dad added pineapple habanero salsa to mom’s casserole. If one of us ever tinkered with his cooking, there’d be a domestic dispute. 

What I’ve learned? That Joe Haley couldn’t last one day in solitary confinement. 

Chris Ruvo's dogs

Christopher Ruvo’s Boston terriers, Oscar and Ollie, have been providing some unexpected commentary during work calls.

Christopher Ruvo, Executive Editor, Counselor

Funniest thing that’s happened: Three words: audible dog farts. There’s been two occasions where I was on work calls with one or the other of our dogs in my lap. And it was, as Murphy’s law would have it, at precisely those times that said dogs deemed it necessary to relieve themselves of excess intestinal air pressure in a manner that was likely detected by the listener on the other end of the line.

What I’ve learned: I’m much more naturally predisposed to hermiting than I thought would be. It hasn’t bothered me at all to be home so much. I certainly haven’t missed the commute. Who knows? I now might go full off-the-grid, grow a knee-length beard, and build a hermit’s hovel from honeycombs in the Australian outback. I think I’d be just fine. 

Clean meme

Dawn Shurmaitis has gotten a little obsessed with cleanliness in the last few weeks.

Dawn Shurmaitis, Public Relations and Corporate Communications Director

Funniest thing that’s happened: My phone ringer is that of a chicken clucking – loudly! I chose it because I never miss hearing it – but when it rings during a Microsoft Teams call, it’s slightly embarrassing.

What I’ve learned: When using video during Teams calls, if you push your laptop camera to the farthest end of the table, your head is much smaller – great if you forgot to brush your hair.

Josh Perlson, Senior Interactive Designer

Funniest thing that happened: Our Creative Director Jake Krolick called me over Teams yesterday, and I answered while on the toilet. Now, Jake and I have a deeper connection.

What I’ve learned: Joining meetings while on the toilet is not as fun as you’d think.