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Predicting Promo Industry Trends in the 2020s

At the risk of being laughably wrong in 10 years, ASI’s writers and editors took a stab at forecasting what trends will rise in the industry and beyond over the next decade.


Experiential Marketing

“I think brand activations and experiential marketing are really going to take off over the next year or so. From high-profile pop-up shops in major cities to unique booth experiences at trade shows, distributors are going to have to be ready to service clients by offering a creative, memorable experience that incorporates promo products.” – Sara Lavenduski, senior editor, Advantages.


“As more and more retailers close their doors, e-commerce will continue to skyrocket. In order to satisfy the demand for deliveries, drone regulations will loosen enough that companies can use them as The Jetsons predicted. In the 2020s, the sky will be filled with drones dropping packages on our doorsteps, and we won’t even blink. The delivers could well include promo products.” – John Corrigan, senior writer.

Evolution of the Promo Business Model

“With online making it so much easier for end-buyers to purchase promo products, the supplier-to-distributor-to-end-buyer business model will continue to evolve. The distributor needs to adjust and diversify their offerings to survive this inevitable trend.” – Vin Driscoll, director of


“E-commerce transactions will account for an ever-greater portion of industry sales, which will contribute to more consolidation within the industry.” – Christopher Ruvo, executive editor of Counselor.


“There will be a greater interest in products made in North America, with end-buyers increasing their budgets to accommodate the purchase of domestic promo items.” – Joan Chaykin, managing editor.

App-Controlled Products

“This year, we saw a coffee mug and travel mug with an app that allows the user to set the perfect temperature for their drinks. Two years ago, it was an umbrella with a weather alert app that notifies the user that ‘rain is in the forecast, don’t forget your umbrella.’ Imagine what’s next.” – Joe Haley, ASI’s lead product editor.

Digital Integration

“We’ll see the increased digital integration of suppliers and distributors to enable instant fulfillment. There still exists so much friction in the order process and supply chain. Eliminate those barriers, and distributors will be able to deliver for clients in hours, not days.” – C.J. Mittica, editor-in-chief, Counselor and Advantages.

Smart Clothing

“Over the last decade, smartwatches have become mainstream, thanks to the popularity of Fitbits and the Apple Watch. In the 2020s, I think we’ll finally start seeing the promise of smart clothing come to fruition, first in specialized cases, then trickling into retail and promo. Perhaps it will be T-shirts or hats that can change their logo with an app or jackets that can charge electronics, or more than likely, something none of us has even thought of yet.” –Theresa Hegel, executive editor for digital content.