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I Earned My BASI: Patrick Buchberger

Patrick Buchberger is the owner of Proforma Premier of Duluth (asi/491842) in Duluth, MN. He earned his BASI in January 2019.

Who in the business world do you admire most or strive to emulate? 

I’ve always admired my father. He came from a small town (Marathon, WI) and served in the Navy during World War II. After the war, he put himself through college, attending Princeton and graduating from Yale. He ended up owning the Chippewa Boot Company. His office door was always open to the hundreds of employees at the factory, and he knew all of them by name. It’s the story of a small town boy who made his mark with hard work and determination.   

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, what would it be about and what actor would play you?

The movie would cover all of the wonderful adventures I’ve had and lessons I’ve learned in life, including racing ATVs, competing in water and snow skiing, modeling, acting, golfing, boating, fishing, football, singing and coaching. Leonardo DiCaprio would play me -- in the movie Titanic he talks about living on Lake Wissota in Chippewa Falls, WI, and falling through the ice. I grew up in Chippewa Falls and lived on Lake Wissota! And yes, I fell through the ice a few times.          

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“Take time to stop and smell the roses.”

“The more you know, the more you realize the things you have yet to learn.”

“Keep the family together. Family first!”

What’s one thing you’d do to improve the industry?

I’d like to see a faster shift to more environmentally-friendly products. Many of the products we sell are used for such a short time. Some of the best new products marry the environment and the “wow” factor. For example, my new business cards get great reviews. You can plant them and grow flowers!

What’s on your bucket list?

I’ve been blessed in my life. My bucket would be full if people remembered me as a kind, compassionate and caring man.    

What’s one sentence you’d like to hear from your boss?

My boss is my wonderful wife, Danielle. I’d like to hear her say, “Honey, I got you a tee time at Augusta National Golf Club.”

If you could choose an age to remain forever, which would you choose? 

Now that I’ve started the path through the 50s, I think 45 is the perfect age. You have a wonderful knowledge base in life and business. You still feel young enough to do crazy things, and your body (pretty much) lets you get away with it.   

What would you do with your 15 minutes of fame?

I would use it to bring joy and happiness to my friends and family.    

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