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2019 Distributor Salesperson of the Year Finalist - Andi Vopalensky Morales, Boundless

Get to know Andi Vopalensky Morales, a 2019 Distributor Salesperson of the Year Finalist!

Salespeople of the Year: Get the complete list here

Distributor Finalist
Andi Vopalensky Morales
Boundless (asi/143717)

As someone who’s worked as both a distributor and a buyer, Andi Vopalensky Morales knows what her clients are going through. She also knows what they’re not: promo specialists. “I don’t have one person who’s ever told me their entire job is buying promotional products,” says the Boundless senior account executive. Because of that, there’s a simple way she builds trust with clients: by positioning herself as the expert who will take one more thing off their plate. “You can really see it in someone’s eyes,” she says, “when you say ‘This is all I do. I got you. I’ve got this.’”

What she’s got is a passion for the industry and a thriving career, with sales growth of nearly 600% since 2014. That wasn’t always the plan for the resident of Austin, TX, who worked as a corporate buyer before returning to the industry (she worked as an assistant for a distributor in college) for what she thought would be a quick stint. But early in her career, Morales met with a career coach who helped her identify five traits she valued greatly in her work: creativity, variety, autonomy, not being tied to a desk and fair compensation for her contribution. Guess what checked all five boxes? “It hits all the points of what keeps me motivated and excited,” she says. “It’s just a fun industry.”

Morales says a major factor in her success is the fantastic partnership she has with Jacqueline Clements, the inside sales partner she added in 2015. Sales took off that year, as Morales was able to focus more on client interactions, and today the three-person team (all working mothers) thrives in Austin’s tech scene.

Another key ally was Theresa Roberts – Morales’ first boss upon rejoining the industry. What did she learn from the 2017 Advantages Salesperson of the Year? “That’s easy,” says Morales, who counts Roberts as a close mentor and still talks to her once a week. “No matter what it is, do the right thing for the client, and we’ll figure out the rest on the back end. I’ve really tried to emulate that.”

Roberts says Morales stood out right from the start. “Andi’s authenticity and ability to truly listen is one of her greatest strengths, followed by her creative spirit and passion,” she says. “I’m always impressed with how quick Andi is to understand the client’s needs and objectives, which I feel contributes to her continued success.”

Getting to Know You

What’s one fun fact about yourself?
I took up piano around my 40th birthday.

Sum up your selling style in one word.


What industry trend are you most excited about?
I truly like how our industry is moving toward a retail look and feel, especially with apparel. Back in the ‘90s and early 2000s, corporate apparel was very obviously corporate apparel. Now we’re really expanding, and even some of the brands that are just for our industry are taking fantastic cues from retail. Whether it’s apparel, technology, bags or whatever, I’m able to offer my clients items that feel like they came from Nordstrom’s. They don’t feel like they’re just made to put someone’s logo on it.

If I wasn’t working in promotional products, I’d be …
Doing something with art, like a professional crafter. I love to paint, do crafts, crochet – I love to make stuff.

What’s your favorite promo product?
I love socks. They are so fun. There are no size issues. You can get creative with the colors and the limitations are very few.

What’s your best advice for other sales reps?
I love this industry for so many reasons, but it does take hard work. I think my best advice is to put the client’s needs first, and just keep at it. The seeds you plant today will grow if you water them. I have clients I’ve worked with for over a decade – it’s all about building solid relationships.