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How to Address an Order Problem

Advantages Editorial Advisory Board members offer their best advice for addressing an order snafu.

Bret Bonnet and Erik Steinbrecher

Quality Logo Products (asi/302967), Aurora, IL

How to Address an Order Problem

  1. Take time to hear the customer out and validate their concerns. No matter the situation, they want to be heard without interruption.
  2. Don’t solve the issue alone. Seek out your manager or factory rep to help.
  3. Understand how the mistake affects your customer versus how it affects you. You’ll be more inclined to work harder to help them, and the customer will be grateful.
  4. Avoid taking things personally and shutting down. This only makes the situation worse. Let the customer know that you’re on their side and you want to solve the issue with them. Once they realize you’re their ally, they’ll appreciate what you’re doing.
  5. If it’s your mistake, own it. Those who own mistakes and fix them build long-lasting relationships with clients.

Chris Faris

Boost Promotions (asi/142942), Gloucester, MA

How to Address an Order Problem

  1. Never respond immediately to the supplier, client or staff. Take a few minutes to digest the information in order to fully understand the situation.
  2. Make sure your solution is client-first and in place before calling them back.
  3. Be transparent with the client and don’t blame others. Take responsibility.
  4. Be prepared mentally. These situations are a part of the business.
  5. Review what happened with all parties in order to determine what can be done to prevent it from happening again, or have a strategy in place if it does.

Reyna Hernandez

Creative Branding Co. (asi/171045), Encino, CA

How to Address an Order Problem

  1. Don’t react quickly and emotionally. Take a couple minutes to assess and think of a game plan.
  2. Keep calm so you can de-escalate the conversation if it gets heated.
  3. When a demanding customer isn’t showing you the respect you deserve, never stoop to their level. Always be as respectful as you can while not letting them be disrespectful to you.