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Tips for Acing a Remote Job Interview

Try these strategies to prepare and impress during virtual chats.

Job hunting during the pandemic? Here are a few tips and tricks to help make your next Zoom interview just as good as – if not better than – an in-person one.

woman sitting at computer

1. Slow and steady wins the race. There’s a lot of pressure going into a job interview, even more these days given the unpredictability of videoconferencing and the constriction of the job market. However, take this as permission to start off nice and relaxed. Having a calm and friendly demeanor goes a long way. If your interviewer is willing to engage in some banter before the formal interview begins, meet them there.

2. Make a list and check it twice. The biggest failures in the interviewing process often arise from the smallest mistakes. Thus, the list. Want to remember your most lucrative orders and biggest sales triumphs? Make a list, and put it in a separate tab so you can sneak a few glances during your interview. Have problems remembering previous employers and their recommendations? A list is the way to go. Keeping written and easy-to-access records of all these things can make your virtual interview much easier, and even more comfortable when compared to an in-person interview.

3. Master the art of the humble-brag. The beautifully mysterious art of the humble brag is best executed via Zoom, of course. Humbly bragging about any and all of your accomplishments will prove that you know why you’re there. Signaling that you believe you have the best sales abilities for this job (without crossing the line into arrogance) will undoubtedly make your interviewer more confident in giving you high marks. When you believe in your skills, so will your interviewer.

4. Tell a story. The importance of a good story, and the skills needed to convey one, are of utmost importance during any interview, virtual or not. If there are any qualities that will make it completely clear that you’re the most prepared to sell your prospective employer’s products, it’s this. Again, having something prepared will serve you well; a funny business interaction or some particular problem you helped to solve are fantastic instances to implicitly (and explicitly) convey your conversational agility.

5. Keep your cool on interview day. With all these tips, you may be tempted to fret over any interview where you don’t have stacks upon stacks of prepared materials. But just like the best sales happen when you’re in your element and relaxed, a great interview is next to impossible if you’re a bundle of nerves. Do your preparation before the big day. On the day of, you just need to perfect your demeanor and let your talents shine.