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Promo Talk: Wendy Ferber, Pride Products Distributors LLC

Candid opinions from industry pros.

Wendy Ferber
  • Co-CEO of Pride Products Distributors LLC (asi/299307) in Springfield, NJ
  • Nearly 20 years of industry experience
  • Named New Jersey’s Best 50 Women in Business in 2014

What I Wish I Knew When I Started …
That promotional products would be such a great industry to be a part of and that we would grow to the size we are today.

What Frustrates Me the Most …
When we work really hard on a project, putting our heart and soul into it, and we don’t get feedback from the client. We’re OK if we don’t get the business, but we would love the feedback so we can learn for the future.

I’ll Never Do That Again …
Pass on an opportunity to participate in a request for proposal (RFP). We had a large long-time client that decided to centralize purchasing and issue an RFP. Knowing how cumbersome and time-consuming completing an RFP can be, and due to medical issues at the time, we passed up participating, thinking they would never cut us out of the process. A year later, we lost the account. In hindsight, I should’ve figured out a way to get it done.

If I Were Queen of the Industry …
I’d ban online competitors that compete on price only. Nothing beats our awesome customer service.

What I Wish I Could Say to a Client …
Can’t we be your exclusive promotional products vendor so you come to us for everything?

Best Advice I Received …
Kill with kindness. It’s been my experience that showing anger rarely solves the problem. I find that I get much better results when I figure out how to befriend the person I need help from rather than being at odds with them.

Worst Advice …
The worst advice I ever got was to ignore a problem instead of talking it out with someone. If there are issues with employees, friends or family, I try to talk it out. I have to say I’m not always successful, but I feel so much better.

What Suppliers Can Do Better …
Work with us when a problem arises, regardless of whose fault it is.

Most Overrated Trend …

Stereotype About Salespeople I Hate the Most …
That we’re just out for the sale. We really value the long-term relationship much more than one sale.

Ferber with her co-CEO Andy Nadel at a fellow distributor’s party

Ferber poses on a recent trip to Lisbon, Portugal.