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Six Steps to Enhance Your Customer Service

A strong focus on improving client experience can help build trust and establish long-lasting relationships.

Customer service is a critical factor in maintaining, and increasing, success. According to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 73% of consumers say customer experience is an important factor in their purchasing decisions.

This highlights the undeniable importance of customer service in today’s market, where virtually everyone has a voice thanks to social media. Businesses that want to stay successful must make it a priority so that they stand out from their competition. The following six tips will help you gain insight into enhancing your business’s customer service in order to boost sales. 

customer service

1. Clarify your company’s mission.

Before interacting with customers, take the necessary time to reflect on who you are as a company. What is it exactly that you do? Why do you do what you do? Who is your target audience? How do you attract and engage with these potential prospects? Once you’ve figured out these basic questions, you’ll be better organized and prepared to present your business professionally to customers without being overbearing or taking up too much time.

2. Stay active online.

Businesses with a strong online presence can reach more customers compared to those that don’t. Having a business website that’s updated regularly, active social media accounts across multiple platforms, and an engaging email marketing strategy are some of the most basic yet effective ways to reach customers all around the world and make their experience with your business better.

3. Respond to clients’ concerns quickly.

While 24/7 customer support might not be feasible for your company, offering a live chat option, answering phone calls and other messages promptly, and responding to social media activity within a day or two at most are the best ways to show your customers you’re there for them, no matter the time or place. 

customer survey illustration73%
of consumers say customer experience is an important factor in their purchasing decisions.

4. Go the extra mile.

Convincing customers they matter to you is vital. Going above and beyond expectations can change a negative situation or attitude into a positive one. It could be something as simple as throwing in a freebie item in their next order, or as complex as helping them seamlessly navigate the inventory and shipping issues that have been plaguing the supply chain.

5. Take time to train and retrain your staff.

Don’t just assume that your staff will handle customer service situations with ease. Train them – and reinforce that training – to respond the way you’d like them to. Schedule regular refresher courses, perhaps including role plays with “angry customers” to help them get comfortable calming tempers and finding solutions.

6. Encourage customers to give feedback.

If you don’t know something is wrong, how can you fix it? Try creating a simple online form that’s sent to clients after ordering from you. Negative comments, while potentially hurtful, can help you identify and address your customers’ pain points, while positive feedback helps you pinpoint and strengthen what’s already clicking. Encouraging feedback adds value to all parties involved, leading to increased brand commitment and continued sales.