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Promo Talk: Teresa Moisant, Moisant Promotional Products

Owner of Moisant Promotional Products gets candid in this Q&A.

Teresa Moisant

• Owner of Moisant Promotional Products (asi/275276) in Oklahoma City, OK
• 30 years of industry experience
• Named Counselor’s Woman of Distinction in 2010

Teresa Moisant

What I Wish I Knew When I Started:
That life isn’t always fair. You can have the best price, quality, response time and service, but that doesn’t ensure you get the job. There are factors you can’t control and you learn to move on.

What Frustrates Me the Most:
People who choose not to do the right thing. Their choice is to do what’s best for their careers, their pocketbooks, etc. It’s all about them.

I’ll Never Do That Again:
I’ve made so many mistakes and done things I regret, but I’ve learned from those mistakes. I’ve learned how to prevent those situations in the future. Someone can tell me to “look out for this” or “don’t do that,” but learning by actually doing it made it stick with me.

If I Were Queen of the Industry:
Freight charges would be my first issue to address. I remember “the old days” when a supplier charged us what UPS charged them and we did likewise to our customers. Today, when we use our shipping number to reduce costs, we get charged extra per box, sometimes even an extra overall charge. I’m just waiting for the day when we get a “premium packing tape” charge.

Moisant and her grandkids

Moisant with her grandsons Hudson and Fletcher.

What I Wish I Could Say to a Client:
Those who know me know I pretty much say what I have to say. The secret is how you say it. It’s a southern thing. Those around me know that when I say, “That’s nice,” it’s really not so nice.

Best Advice I Received:
Former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz shared three things to which he attributes his success: 1) Do the right thing. 2) If you’re going to do it, give it 100%. 3) Treat all people with respect.

Worst Advice:
To act like you’re right even when you’re not. That’s someone who has no grasp of credibility and its long-term impact.

What Suppliers Can Do Better:
Make it easier for us to communicate. Sometimes we need answers immediately. Suppliers need a backup plan for communication.  

Stereotype About Salespeople I Hate the Most:
That we’re in it only for the sale. It’s my responsibility to educate and be a resource. If I think they’re overbuying, we discuss it. If you don’t have the customer’s best interest at heart, you aren’t going to be their selected vendor on the next opportunity.

I Attribute Most of My Success to:
The fabulous mentors I’ve had. They advised me and allowed me to learn, get exposure and attend meetings that were attended only by the big guys. They challenged me to be ready when the doors opened. Now I have a responsibility to do the same for those who follow me.

I’m Always Looking to Improve at:
Listening. Early on, I was a trainer and presenter. Now I do a lot more listening. The positive is that I’m learning more. I have an insatiable desire to learn.

My Never-Fail Product Recommendation:
I always hand out pens. Good quality pens stay around, cheap ones get lost. I love when a customer says they need another one of their favorite pens because someone swiped it. I head out to deliver another and convince them that if this pen means so much to them, imagine what it’ll mean to their customer. They buy, and I don’t have to make that “one pen” trip again.

Moisant at a Packers game

Moisant and Maribeth Sandford of Bag Makers (asi/37940) at a Green Bay Packers game.