
The Bright Side: Logomark Sponsors Fourth Service Dog Through Shelter to Soldier

The nonprofit adopts rescue and shelter dogs and trains them to be psychiatric service canines for post-9/11 veterans.

His name is Max, and he’s going to be there for a military veteran in need thanks to Top 40 supplier Logomark (asi/67866).

The Tustin, CA-based firm dedicates a portion of money from sales of its iCool, Perka and Work lines to Shelter to Soldier, a nonprofit founded in 2012 that adopts dogs from Southern California rescue organizations and shelters and trains them to become psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 military veterans.

service dog

Max is an eight-month-old male Labrador Retriever mix who will be paired with a U.S. military veteran in need of a service dog thanks to Logomark’s support of the nonprofit Shelter to Soldier.

Due to the Logomark effort, Shelter to Soldier was recently able to adopt an eight-month-old male Labrador retriever mix, dubbed Max through a naming contest held by the supplier.

Following proper training, Max will be paired with a U.S. military veteran contending with issues that include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), military sexual trauma (MST), and/or other psychological injuries associated with traumatic service experiences.

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“Shelter to Soldier is honored to have the support of the Logomark team as we strive, together, to continue ‘Saving Lives, Two at a Time,’” said Kyrié Bloem, co-founder and vice president of Shelter to Soldier.

This is the fourth service dog that’s been adopted as part of Logomark’s do-gooding support.

“Logomark’s previous service dogs, including Trooper and Lucky, and emotional support animal Scout, are a testament to the lifesaving work of Shelter to Soldier,” said Michael Bistocchi, chief revenue officer at Logomark. “Logomark recognizes the impact that service dogs can have on veterans’ mental health, and we are proud to support an organization that makes a difference in the lives of those who have served our country.”

Max is said to have the makings of a great canine partner.

“He’s affectionate, friendly and energetic, making him an excellent candidate for service dog training,” said Bistocchi. “We can’t wait for him to be paired with a veteran.”

Logomark conducted a dog naming contest in honor of the new adoption. The supplier’s executive team selected the name Max, which was submitted by Kevin Powers of Columbus, OH-based distributor Idegy (asi/229805).

From Logomark, Powers won a Perka Kempton 40-oz. double-wall, stainless-steel travel mug and an iCool Pinecrest 20-can cooler. Runner up Theresa Jimenez of Ward Promotional Marketing Solutions also submitted the name Max – 25 minutes after Powers; she won a Perka Kempton 40-oz. travel mug.

Founded in 1993, Logomark provides more than 3,000 products in diverse categories. Based on reported 2022 North American promotional product revenue of $115.4 million, Logomark ranked 14th on Counselor’s most recent list of the largest suppliers in the industry.