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Zing Launches ‘100 Million Bottle Initiative’ to Fight Plastic Pollution of Oceans

As part of the campaign, the Phoenix-based supplier plans to donate 1% of its reusable drinkware sales to an ocean conservation nonprofit.

Zing Manufacturing (asi/99025) is about to launch a year-long campaign that aims to combat plastic pollution and help protect the environment.

The “100 Million Bottle Initiative,” as it’s been called, may also just give distributors a compelling sustainability story to share with eco-conscious end-clients, Zing executives said.

plastic on beach

Starting August 1, the Phoenix-based supplier will donate 1% of reusable drinkware sales from its S’well, BUILT and Zing lines to Oceana, an international conservation agency focused on the world’s oceans.

“In partnership with Oceana, our collective belief is that one person has the power to create great change and simple steps can make a big difference,” said Rob Watson, vice president of Zing. “Our 1% giveback commitment to Oceana will not only support their ongoing mission to protect and restore the world’s oceans on a global scale, but to help educate our community on the impacts of social change like single-use, plastic bottle reduction.”

The giveback is part of a broader effort in which Zing is inviting distributors to encourage their customers to make the switch from single-use plastic bottles – and other disposables like one-use coffee cups – to reusable drinkware options.

More than 1 million
bottles of water are sold every minute around the world.(United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health)

Through the collective effort, Zing hopes its campaign will help prevent 100 million plastic water bottles from finding their way into oceans – a reason the campaign has been dubbed the “100 Million Bottle Initiative.” Zing cited statistics that indicated that one reusable bottle has the potential to replace up to 192 single-use plastic bottles each year.

“Last year, over 600 billion plastic water bottles were sold,” said Watson. “Zing’s 100 Million Bottle Initiative is aimed to displace environmental waste and minimize single-use, plastic bottle consumption.”

To help reach the 100 million goal, Zing encouraged distributors to share about the initiative with their audiences through their marketing channels, social media platforms, and other communication means. Each week of the year-long campaign, Zing said it will update the “100M Bottle Leaderboard” online with top distributor companies helping to make an impact.

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