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Best Places to Work - Specialty Incentives

Colorado distributor thrives on consistent and two-way communication.

Colorado distributor thrives on consistent and two-way communication.

Specialty Incentives

With employees ranging in age from 25 to 89, Denver, CO-based Specialty Incentives (asi/331870) is a veritable melting pot for the generations. “We have a very diverse group here,” says Danlyn Iantorno, left, the company’s COO. “We’re trying to grow smartly, and we want employees involved in helping the process go smoothly.” It’s a process that the company’s employees fully support. They regularly make suggestions to improve the company’s operations – and management listens. One staffer recently recommended that the company expand its small, drab lunch room and make it more attractive. “We realized they didn’t want to spend any time in there, and instead were eating their lunches in their car, watching the traffic go by,” said Chris Beyer, right, a partner at Specialty. So, the company blew out a wall of the area, added bigger windows, spiffed it up and called it “The Bistro.” “Now it’s a place people want to actually eat in,” Beyer says.