Sustainability June 09, 2023
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals & Why They Matter
The UN created the SDGs in 2015 as an urgent call for countries to take action, but they also have value as a framework for businesses to map their sustainability efforts.
In 2015, the United Nations created the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The centerpiece of that agenda was the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which it has said are “an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership.” The goals range from ending poverty to preserving oceans and forests.
As more and more companies focus on sustainability and social responsibility, they’ve often used the 17 SDGs as a blueprint for their own environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts. Here’s a closer look at each of the goals, along with tips on how promotional products suppliers and distributors can implement them in their own operations.
Goal 1: No Poverty
Ending poverty goes hand in hand with promoting sustainability. For example, poverty and inequality often exacerbate environmental challenges, with poorer communities frequently experiencing inadequate access to clean water, sanitation and healthy living conditions.
How promo can help: Consider organizing a donation drive to gather crucial items for underserved communities. Last year, for example, the Michigan Promotional Professionals Association (MiPPA) held a coat drive during its annual TOM show.
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
This goal is about achieving food security and improved nutrition as well as promoting sustainable agriculture. The U.N. notes that one in 10 people worldwide is suffering from hunger and nearly one in three lacks regular access to adequate food.
How promo can help: Look for products that offer a giveback to organizations like Feeding America, or make a donation to your local food bank. (Remember that hunger is year-round – not just during the holiday season.)
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Secure healthy living and well-being, as well as access to healthcare, for people at any age of life.
How promo can help: Healthcare is one of the biggest markets in promo. Support front-line workers of all kinds with thank-you gifts and branded merch.
Goal 4: Quality Education
Everyone deserves inclusive and appropriate education. This goal encompasses everything from ensuring that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood care to increasing literacy and numeracy in children and adults.
How promo can help: Assemble backpacks full of school supplies for low-income students in the U.S., or make a donation toward educational efforts abroad. Last year, for example, Top 40 supplier SanMar (asi/84863) invested in the Mhotivo School in Choloma, a region of Honduras where the firm has large manufacturing operations.
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Promote gender equity and empowering women of all ages. The U.N. notes that it would take 40 years, at the current pace, for women and men to be represented equally in political leadership, for instance.
How promo can help: Annual observances like International Women’s Day in March are an opportunity to raise awareness about progress toward equality. A thoughtfully selected promo item can help enhance educational campaigns.
Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Everyone deserves access to clean water and proper sanitation. According to the U.N., more than 733 million people live in countries with high and critical levels of water stress.
How promo can help: Support fundraising efforts to increase access to clean drinking water. Industry group PromoCares is in the midst of a Water4Good campaign to build water towers for communities in Mexico.
Goal 7: Clean Energy
Create access to reliable, affordable and renewable modern energy for all people. Renewable energy use has been growing, but still represents only about 17.7% of total consumption, according to the U.N.
How promo can help: Make a plan to reduce your carbon footprint – and then follow through. Top 40 supplier Koozie Group (asi/40480) pledged earlier this year, for instance, that it will be carbon-neutral by 2024.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote inclusive and renewable economic growth, along with constructive employment for all people.
How promo can help: Seek out products that are certified by fair-trade organizations, and ensure that each part of your supply chain follows Fair Labor Association guidelines.
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Promote resilient infrastructure along with sustainable and inclusive industrialization and the ability to foster innovation.
How promo can help: Support innovative products made from recycled or upcycled materials. Consider how developing a circular economic model will help foster sustainable growth.
Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
This goal seeks to minimize inequalities globally. The U.N. notes that between 2015 and 2021, the number of refugees outside their own country increased by 44%.
How promo can help: Consider donating misprinted or outdated apparel and other promotional products to charities that provide aid to refugees around the world.
Goal 11: Sustainable Communities
Develop cities and communities that are safe, renewable and inclusive for all.
How promo can help: Install solar panels on your facility to help combat climate change and provide a sustainable workplace for employees. Top 40 distributor 4imprint (asi/197045) announced plans to install a solar array at its Oshkosh, WI, distribution center last year, joining a number of other promo companies who’ve also invested in renewable energy.
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Secure sustainable production globally. Reliance on natural resources rose 65% globally from 2000 to 2019, according to the U.N.
How promo can help: Implement recycling programs at your facility, and pitch promo made from recycled materials. Follow the example of companies like Orbus Exhibit & Display (asi/75209), which has recycled an average of 75% of its total waste each year for the past decade, diverting about 10 million pounds of trash from landfills.
Goal 13: Climate Action
Take realistic and timely action to combat climate change globally. The U.N. calls climate change “humanity’s ‘code red’ warning,” noting that the “window to avoid climate catastrophe is closing rapidly.”
How promo can help: Ask suppliers and other parts of your value chain to share their progress on sustainability. Gildan (asi/56842), for example, has started publishing stand-alone climate change disclosure reports as a part of its overall ESG strategy.
Goal 14: Life Below Water
Conserve the oceans, along with other bodies of water, for sustainable development. More than 17 million metric tons of plastic entered the ocean in 2021 – a figure that’s projected to double or triple by 2040 under current conditions, according to the U.N.
How promo can help: Source products that are created from plastic salvaged from the ocean or other waterways. Top 40 supplier Gemline (asi/56070), for example, offers Out of the Ocean brand bags, made from reclaimed ocean plastic.
Goal 15: Life on Land
Provide protection and restoration of all ecosystems. Reserve land, combat deforestation and stop biodiversity loss.
How promo can help: Host a clean-up day at a local park or community center. For example, Top 40 supplier Charles River Apparel (asi/44620) recently hosted a cleanup of the Charles River.
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Provide peaceful societies with renewable development and access to justice for all. Build accountable institutions at all levels for all people.
How promo can help: Partner with certified B Corps and other organizations that measure their impact and focus on the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. Consider undergoing an EcoVadis or B Corp assessment at your own company.
Goal 17: Partnerships for Goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the U.N. Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. Among the targets for this goal is to mobilize financial resources for developing countries.
How promo can help: Partner with companies that have put a focus on meeting all 17 SDGs in their business operations. Include your progress toward achieving each goal in your own annual corporate social responsibility (CSR) report.

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