Counselor International Person of the Year
Florence Mosnier
The Swiss-based general manager of promo’s international collective is facilitating connections across the global marketplace.

Counselor Distributor Entrepreneur of the Year
Joseph Sommer
Whitestone Branding (asi/359741)
Intent on carving his own path since he was a kid, this entrepreneur has found success by treating people right.

Counselor Supplier Entrepreneurs of the Year
Seth Inyang & Vinh Lieu
Elemental Bottles (asi/51846)
The co-founders of this upstart drinkware brand have balanced friendship with big ambitions.

Counselor Woman of Distinction
Susan Lewandowski
BEL Promo (asi/39552)
Leadership, business savvy, mentoring – this decorated industry veteran does it all.

Counselor Distributor Family Business of the Year
Goldner Associates (asi/209800)
What once started as a jewelry business is now a thriving distributor four generations deep.

Counselor Sustainability Advocate of the Year
XD Connects
The European supplier is proving its goods are sustainable – and providing a model for others to follow.

Counselor Bess Cohn Humanitarian Award
Jed Seifert
Stakes Manufacturing (asi/88974)
This decorator is on a mission to erase the misconceptions about employees with disabilities.

Counselor Lifetime Achievement Award
Fred & Suzette Albrecht
Proforma Albrecht (asi/116308)
Through compassion and ambition, the husband-and-wife team have spent the last 25 years building a distributorship that’s successful by any measure.
ASI would like to thank the sponsors of this year’s Counselor Awards:

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsor