$1 Million in Data Protection and Texas Trivia at ASI Dallas

Wednesday February 4, 2009 | Filed under:

I'm excited to post from the Lone Star State and ASI Show Dallas, the largest ad specialty industry event in the Southwest.  More than 550 leading suppliers are here and thousands of hot products.

Did you know the name "Texas" actually comes from an Indian word meaning friends?  So, it's no surprise how much networking there is at the show and especially during today's 70 free education sessions.

Here in longhorn country, everything is big, which makes it the perfect place to announce ASI's investment of over $1 million to protect industry data - information you rely on every day to run your business.  

Check out the full details in the press release here.

What it comes down to is this:  If there's a natural disaster or other emergency, ASI has acted to help ensure that our products -- including ESP Online and over 10,000 LogoMall Websites -- will be operating.  We're providing the most up-time to give you more time for selling, especially in this challenging economic environment.

This major investment, which supplements our already extensive system, includes upgrades to disaster prevention and recovery systems at our headquarters (including valves in the room that automatically distribute extinguishing gases if a fire is detected) and has established a remote information backup facility 800 miles away. 

The remote location depends on a different portion of the nation's power grid and source, and is located alongside backup systems for Fortune 500 companies and some of the world's largest financial services firms.  Even if a regional power grid crashes, we can respond quickly by activating this facility.

How's that for peace of mind?  Read the full press release here

If you have any other Texas-sized ideas, I'd love to hear them.  Post a comment on the blog now or email me anytime at tim.andrews@asicentral.com.

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