The following logos are registered trademarks of the Advertising Specialty Institute. All "isted" suppliers are authorized and encouraged to use these logos, along with their official ASI number, in all industry communications. The official ASI Numbering System is a proprietary, confidential and copyrighted system that identifies suppliers and distributors who participate in the ASI Information Network. Your ASI number is a unique number assigned to your company only.
Using Your ASI Number with an Official Trademarked ASI Logo
The logo featured on this page is an officialASI trademarked your personal ASI Identification Number, simply replace the five x's with your five-digit ASI number.
The ASI 5-Star Supplier Logo
If you are a 5-Star Supplier (you have a numerical rating of at least 4.75 and ratings by at least 5 distributors), we encourage you to display this logo, along with your ASI number, on all your communications, literature, advertising and business forms used within the industry.
Click on the logo to download or right click and choose "save target as."
Attention Internet Explorer users! Certain versions of Internet Explorer for PC may change the extension of EPS files from .eps to .ps during the download process. Please follow the following steps when downloading an EPS file.
The ASI Supplier Ratings Logo
The ASI Supplier Ratings Logo can be set up as a link for you to use to have distributors rate your performance. Use the logo/link on your websites and/or email promotions to encourage ASI ratings submissions. The ASI Supplier Ratings Logo is particularly useful for suppliers looking to improve their performance rating and increase the number of submissions behind their ratings. The ratings are used by distributors to gauge supplier customer service before starting a new relationship with a supplier. Click here to download the html and image.
Placing Your ASI Number on Your Catalog
Most distributors prefer that your ASI number be prominently displayed both horizontally and vertically in the upper right-hand corner of your catalog cover and all other promotional sheets or price lists you use. This enables them to easily identify your literature regardless of how they file it. We also suggest that you print your number inconspicuously at the bottom of every page of your catalog, so if any page is photocopied, you will not be confused with suppliers who have similar products.
Why Your ASI Number is so Important
Your official and exclusive ASI Number is one of your most important means of identification in the Promotional Products/Specialty Advertising Industry.
The ASI numbering system helps assure that distributors don't confuse your company with another supplier with a similar name when they place orders, write purchase orders or even pay their bills.
Your ASI Number also plays an important role in maintaining confidentiality. Your ASI number gives you a way to identify your company on your literature, samples and price sheets ( in place of your corporate name, address and phone number).
We recommend, therefore, that you display your ASI number on all communications, literature, advertising and business forms used within the industry. Your number can be printed on these forms with or without an official trademarked ASI logo.
How to Use Your ASI Number
If you are writing or typing your ASI number in correspondence, or printing it on any piece without including an official ASI logo along with it, your number should appear as follows: asi/00000
Please do not write A.S.I. with periods or in capital letters and don't use the number sign "#" to express your ASI number. It is also incorrect to use these letters in conjunction with words like price or catalog (i.e. ASI price, ASI catalog, etc.) as they are your prices and catalogs, etc., not the prices or catalogs of the Advertising Specialty Institute.